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Downtown Toronto 416-722-3393
East York 416-888-1008

Leg & Hip Physiotherapy

Below you will find a list of symptoms and conditions that we see with our Downtown Toronto hip physiotherapy clientel.e  At Push Pounds Sports Medicine, we specialize in several different services that can help treat your health problems. Please feel free to read more about your symptoms, conditions and our suggested treatments, or contact us to pinpoint the best treatment to heal your body.


Downtown Toronto elbow physiotherapy




366 Bay Street, 10th Floor, Toronto ON, M5H4B2, (416)7223393, Downtown Toronto Hip Physiotherapy

Gluteal Pain (Buttocks) - Downtown Toronto Hip Physiotherapy

Our Downtown Toronto hip physiotherapy program sees a lot of gluteal pain. There are many factors that can cause pain the the buttocks area which can range from mild annoyances, bruising, and muscle strains to more serious issues like arthritis and herniated discs. All symptoms related to pain in this area are evaluated by their severity, duration, location, and what aggravates or relieves the symptoms. For example, does the pain worsen while attempting to sit down? And is it relieved when walking, or does it worsen when lying down? Bottocks pain after running or participating in vigorous sports, including weight lifting, can be from muscle strain however, it is important to assess these symptoms in order to precisely identify the cause and formulate the best treatment for your pain.

Gluteal Pain Treatment Options:

Piriformis Syndrome - Downtown Toronto Hip Physiotherapy

Our Downtown Toronto hip physiotherapy program sees a lot of piriformis syndrome. Pain in the hip, buttock, hamstring or sciatica could be the result of Piriformis Syndrome. This disorder occurs when your sciatic nerve is compressed or irritated by the piriformis muscle, which passes through the buttock, resulting in pain. It is most commonly caused by overworking the muscle or weakness in your hip stability muscles. Pain is typically felt on one side of the buttock however, it is possible experience a radiation of pain down the back of the leg (sciatica). The pain may also be aggravated by hip activity such as walking, or prolonged sitting.

Piriformis Syndrome Treatment Options:

Osteoarthritis - Downtown Toronto Hip Physiotherapy

Our Downtown Toronto hip physiotherapy program sees a lot of osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. It occurs when the protective cartilage on the ends of your bones wears down over time. It can occur with any joint in your body however, the disorder most commonly affects joints in your hands, knees, hips and spine. Osteoarthritis symptoms can usually be effectively managed, although the underlying process cannot be reversed. Staying active, maintaining a healthy weight and other treatments may slow progression of the disease and help improve pain and joint function. The symptoms include pain in the joints during or after moving, tenderness when applying light pressure to the joint, stiffness, loss of flexibility, grating sensation in the joint, and bone spurs.

Osteoarthritis Treatment Options:

Tendinopathy (Proximal Hamstring, Glute Med) - Downtown Toronto Hip Physiotherapy

Our Downtown Toronto hip physiotherapy program sees a lot of tendinopathy. Tendinopathy refers to an injury to the tendon. Tendons are the tough fibers that connect muscle to bone. Most tendon injuries occur near joints, such as the shoulder, elbow, knee, and ankle however, high (proximal) hamstring tendinopathy can cause pain that radiates from the hamstrings, down the back of the thighs making it difficult to bend at the hips. People with high (proximal) hamstring tendinopathy will often notice a pattern to their pain. For example, the pain may appear at the same time into a workout or pain when sitting, running, or sprinting.

Tendinopathy Treatment Options:

Labral Tears - Downtown Toronto Hip Physiotherapy

Our Downtown Toronto hip physiotherapy program sees a lot of labral tears. The labrum is a piece of cartilage similar to a rubbery type tissue. It is attached to the rim of the shoulder socket and helps keep the ball of the joint in place. A labral tear results hen this cartilage is torn. Labral tears may result from injury from physical activity, falling on an outstretched arm, or sometimes can happen in people with age. Although labral tears can be difficult to diagnose, the most common symptoms are a sharp pop or catching sensation in the shoulder during certain shoulder movements. It is also not uncommon for the tear not to cause any pain but rather shoulder instability causing the shoulder to feel loose, as though it slips or dislocates with certain movements. Your pain and past injuries to your shoulder will help the specialist diagnose and treat a labral tear.

Labral Tear Treatment Options:

FAI (Femoroacetabular Impingement) - Downtown Toronto Hip Physiotherapy

Our Downtown Toronto hip physiotherapy program sees a lot of FAIs. Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI) is a hip condition which causes discomfort due to a mismatch between the acetabulum (hip-socket) and the acetabular labrum (ball). It is believed that FAI occurs even in many normal people. This is just the way we are built and develop with age. Some people may have “bumps” or slightly over-deep sockets and could potentially develop femoroacetabular impingement. People with FAI will experience hip and groin pain with difficulties moving the hip. Discomfort is usually caused by walking, sitting for prolonged periods of time, and crossing legs. Pain can also arise during and after sports and physical activities. Pain is most often concentrated in the front of the hip and deep in the groin. Rarely, pain can be felt in the buttocks or on the side of the hip.

FAI Treatment Options:

Stress Fractures - Downtown Toronto Hip Physiotherapy

Our Downtown Toronto hip physiotherapy program sees a lot of stress fractures. Stress fractures are tiny cracks in a bone. They’re caused by repetitive force, often from overuse – such as repeatedly jumping up and down or running long distances. Stress fractures can also be accelerated in people who suffer from conditions that weaken the bone such as, osteoporosis. The symptoms of stress fractures aren’t felt immediately, they gradually worsen over time. The tenderness usually originates from a specific spot and decreases during rest. You might have swelling around the painful area.

Stress Fractures Treatment Options:

Osteitis Pubis - Downtown Toronto Hip Physiotherapy

Our Downtown Toronto hip physiotherapy program sees a lot of osteitis pubis. Osteitis Pubis is a noninfectious inflammation of the joint where the pubic bones meets at the front. It is a painful injury that is caused by overuse and affects the pelvis, most commonly occurring during kicking activities, ice skating and dance. The main cause is instability of the pelvic bones and in particular the pubic area. Pain may develop gradually and often be mistaken for a muscle strain or groin strain.

Osteitis Pubis Treatment Options:

Total Hip Replacements - Downtown Toronto Hip Physiotherapy

Our Downtown Toronto hip physiotherapy program sees a lot of hip replacements. During hip replacement, a surgeon removes the damaged sections of your hip joint and replaces them with parts usually constructed of metal, ceramic and very hard plastic. THR is the best treatment option for people who are experiencing arthritis, osteoarthritis, and other degenerative hip diseases. It is widely known as one of the more common surgery practices happening today with a high success rate. It can drastically provide pain relief, improvement in sleep, while most people regain range of motion, physical ability, and quality of life.

Total Hip Replacement Treatment Options: